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What Does it Mean to Be Created in God’s Image?

In your salvation journey, have you found yourself struggling with Genesis 1:26-27? Specifically, what does it really mean to be created in the image of God? Genesis 1:26-27 is a foundational text for appreciating the relationship between God and…

What Does it Mean to Be Created in God’s Image?

Financial Stewardship & Budgeting of Money

Did you know there are more verses on handling money than baptism, prayer, faith, and love combined? The scriptures contain 2350 verses on finances, material possessions, and wealth. You must stop and ask yourself why God spends so much…

Financial Stewardship & Budgeting of Money

Proclaiming the Gospel to Muslims

The gospel is good news to the whole world (Romans 10:15, Luke 4:18). Scripture teaches us that God has a heart for missions. He desires the gospel to go out to every people group and language so that they…

Proclaiming the Gospel to Muslims

Doctrine of Sin

In a very poetic fashion, pastor John Piper summarizes sin in this way: “Sin is any feeling, thought, speech, or action that comes from a heart that does not treasure God over all other things. And the bottom of sin,…

Doctrine of Sin

Doctrines About Demons

Among the powers at work in our world are demonic powers. The doctrine about demons is famous among Pentecostal churches. We have churches that have specialized in casting out demons week in and out. The study of the origin and operation…

Doctrines About Demons

Why Worship God in a Church Community

Many professing Christians today will often ignore the gathering together of saints entirely and instead opt to worship alone at home. The advent of Youtube and other streaming services has played a significant role in encouraging this damning trait….

Why Worship God in a Church Community

Sharing the Gospel with Muslims

Should we fear sharing the gospel with Muslims? Does leading a Muslim to Christ take a more “anointed” Christian or a “special” Christian? The Bible calls us to share the gospel with the whole world, even with the Muslims….

Sharing the Gospel with Muslims

The Basic Beliefs of Islam: From Allah to the End

In this article, I will outline the basic beliefs of Islam. These beliefs are foundational, and one cannot be a Muslim if you do not recognise them. The Islamic religion cannot exist without these beliefs. My aim for this…

The Basic Beliefs of Islam: From Allah to the End

Christians, Satan, & Demons

In the African Society, we have two versions of preachers. Some have entirely refrained from teaching the relationship between demons and Christians, yet others go on ahead to give non-biblical teachings on the same. The former refrain either because…

Christians, Satan, & Demons

The Gift of Grace

Grace, God’s grace, can be described through how God gives sinful men things they do not deserve (Psalm 103:10, Ephesians 2:8-9). It is the unmerited favor that God gives to us in the many aspects of life. It can…

The Gift of Grace

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

Prayer is vital to the believer’s journey. Besides reading scriptures, the believer connects with God through prayer. It is usually from Bible reading that we can hear God’s voice, and from prayer, God can hear from us. In our…

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

Should Christians Confront Violence Against the LGBTQ Community?

The Christian duty is to view every man and woman as God views them. We are to care for and protect every single person on earth. Christ commands us to love our enemies and do good to those who…

Should Christians Confront Violence Against the LGBTQ Community?

Relationship Habits that Promote a Godly Marriage

Marriage is a solemn union ordained by God for His glory and our joy. To help ensure that people enter marriage rightly, the church (most churches, at least) provide what is commonly known as P.M.C. (Pre-Marital Counseling) for those…

Relationship Habits that Promote a Godly Marriage

Basic Practices of Islam: The Five Pillars and Jihad

In this article, I am writing about the basic practices of Islam. It is one thing to believe. It is another thing to do or act. There are five practices in Islam which are also known as the Five…

Basic Practices of Islam: The Five Pillars and Jihad

The Gift of Salvation

Salvation is essentially a gift since it is obtained through the gracious work of God. In Christ, justice is done, and grace is dispensed. So, by grace, you have been saved through faith, and this is a gift of…

The Gift of Salvation

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