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Living an Abundant Life

Have you ever been encouraged to live an abundant life? What does that mean? Most of the time, we have heard some preachers say that living an abundant life is to live a life blessed with wealth, good health,…

Living an Abundant Life

The Authority of Scripture

For one to have a genuine Christian walk, there are several sources of guidance for them, but the main one is Scripture. Scripture refers to words captured in the Old and New Testaments, the Bible, through the inspiration of…

The Authority of Scripture

Contentment in the Lord, Not Money

We refer to one as content when they are fully satisfied with knowing God (Psalm 73:25). God is our ultimate joy, and knowing him through Jesus Christ is such a blessing that you, like Paul, can say: If I…

Contentment in the Lord, Not Money

The Glory of God

The Hebrew word for glory is ‘kabod,’ which has in itself the idea of weighty. The Greek word ‘doxa’ is the equivalent of the Hebrew word, which refers to fame. Though it has a more secular idea, it is…

The Glory of God

What is the Atonement of Christ?

In the Christian faith, atonement refers to the suffering that Christ endured for our sins, making provision for us to be reconciled to God. We Christians, believers, have now, in this life, received the atonement, which was typified by…

What is the Atonement of Christ?

Leaders Reflect the People they Lead

Whenever we go to vote, we are going to elect leadership that reflects who we are. Elections are an opportunity for us to seek God for the leadership of our country. Instead of seeking God and asking him to…

Leaders Reflect the People they Lead

Doctrine of Satan

The Bible depicts Satan as a created being. Scripture declares that everything was created by God and for God (Romans 11:36; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:16–17). It makes sense then to say that this comprehensive category of “all things”…

Doctrine of Satan

Leaning on Idols While in Crisis

Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones defined an idol as “…anything in our lives that occupies the place that should be occupied by God alone. Anything that is central in my life, anything that seems to me essential. An idol is…

Leaning on Idols While in Crisis

The Doctrine of the Trinity

The Trinity is one of the most distinct descriptions of the God of the Bible. As Christians, we believe that there is one God. Yet this God is in three (tri) distinct persons, and the persons are in harmonious…

The Doctrine of the Trinity

Doctrines About Angels

A friend recently confessed that he fellowshipped in a church that strongly emphasizes teachings about angels. The church has over a hundred angels who give different messages on their lists. My friend also talked of how a bishop of…

Doctrines About Angels

Christian Union Leadership

Do you remember the so-called church you attended at your secondary, university, and college levels? The Christian Union is the fellowship of Christian students in learning institutions. In the likeness of a church, it strives to ensure that the…

Christian Union Leadership

Sufficiency of Scripture

There are many publications about religion out here for our consumption. As saints, however, God’s Word is our ultimate authority for reference. Several scholars have had much to say about the sufficiency of Scripture and why it is crucial….

Sufficiency of Scripture

Tips to Proclaim the Gospel to Muslims

We’ve written two other blogs on how to share the gospel with Muslims, and this is the third in the series. The other two blogs share some crucial things in proclaiming the gospel to Muslims, but I want to add a few…

Tips to Proclaim the Gospel to Muslims

What is the Spiritual Blessing of Tithing?

The human nature is inherently selfish and greedy. Generous and regular giving can be painful to the flesh and break the selfish tendencies of human nature. It makes us die to the flesh and makes us more Christ-like. Giving…

What is the Spiritual Blessing of Tithing?

Still Single, Still Here!

I have met ladies and gents in such a predicament; they desire marriage but feel God has withheld it from them. This is either because of hurt from past relationships or a prolonged season of singlehood while they desire…

Still Single, Still Here!

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