Our partners

TGC Africa

The Gospel Coalition Africa exists to equip African believers to shape life and ministry around the gospel. We publish Christian content by African contributors, building a network of networks across the continent – all to God’s glory and grounding in His Word. 

4:12 Youth Ministry

Kuza was originally developed by members of the 4:12 Youth Ministry, whose goal is to equip churches to reach youth. Their ministry began by teaching conferences and in seminaries with the goal of helping both rural and town churches start a weekly youth Bible study or full youth ministry. Once they knew the “how” of reaching youth, they began to ask for the “what” of what to teach them. 4:12 began writing devotional books, which over time became too expensive to print, transport, and distribute. This led to the creation of a writing team and a smartphone app, with the intention of creating materials for churches to use that fit within the East African context. 


In the year 2000, DJ Moz & his colleague Njugush became the first Christian DJ’s to spin Christian records on a popular secular radio station in Nairobi, Kenya, as they faithfully preached the gospel on air. The radio show was called “Kubamba“, which means “cool” or “hype” in a local language (sheng) in Kenya. This eventually developed into a full ministry with large events complete with dance crews and Christian artists, as well as a TV program. They currently still have their own radio station and have led tens of thousands of youth to Christ. Kubamba has partnered with Kuza to create and promote the Kuza app. 

Spread Truth

Spread Truth reaches the world with God’s Story by providing Christians the opportunity to be equipped and to generously give to see everyone connected to God. Spread Truth gets people Gospel Ready through their missional programs that connect people to each other and to God’s rescue in Jesus. In November of 2018, Spread Truth launched the start of an Africa-wide ministry.

Youth Ministry International

YMI’s mission is to evangelize and disciple the world’s youth through the local church by “Training the Trainers” of indigenous Youth Leaders.

Sowing Seeds of Joy

James and Chao Wanje have worked as missionaries in their nation, Kenya, for more than 10 years. They are passionate about the transformation of communities through the local church, particularly in the coastal region of Kenya. Through Sowing Seeds of Joy Kenya, they carry out their passion by focusing on five pillars: Marriage and Family Outreach; Pastoral and Church Leadership Development; Evangelism and Church Planting; Training and Discipleship; and a Humanitarian Outreach that include Water for Life and Seeds Creation.

Tanari Trust

Tanari Trust works to empower youth through contemporary rites of passage and is well-equipped in life skills programs and sexuality training, team and leadership development, adventure, camp, and experiential programming, all focused on youth. We train young people in a wide variety of community contexts including churches, children’s homes, schools, universities and uniformed forces, and have a proven record for transformational learning. Tanari’s programs are designed for discovery learning through initiative activities, adventure, discussions, debate, and creative instructions. 

Kenya Youth for Christ

Youth for Christ in Kenya was registered in 1975 as a society. It is a faith-based organization that reaches the youth of Kenya, mostly those aged between 13 – 24, through various avenues which include evangelism and discipleship, social involvement and leadership training. 

Lulu Fm

Lulu Fm a Christian radio station and broadcasting in Kilifi, Mombasa, Taita Taveta and Kwale Counties.

Pearl Radio

Pearl Radio We are inspired by the verse of Judges 2:10 “…another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel.” We want to ensure the gospel is shared through evangelism, empowering our listeners and entertaining them with wholesome and uplifting music.

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