
Why Do You Believe in God?

In this article, we will examine why people claim to believe in God and establish which reasons are biblical….

Why Do You Believe in God?

Sharing the Gospel with Gen Z

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, were born between 1997 and 2012, during the internet advancement period. This was exemplified by the rise…

Sharing the Gospel with Gen Z

Our Greatest Political Statement 

In this article, I will seek to define the church’s foundational political statement and what its mission is….

Our Greatest Political Statement 

Preach the Gospel to Yourself

Uncover the power of preaching the gospel and its implications for your soul. Explore the gospel’s significance for both believers and unbelievers….

Preach the Gospel to Yourself

Africa, the Prosperity Gospel, and the Problem of Unguarded Churches

There can be no denying that distortions of the gospel have crept into many churches throughout Africa, chief amongst them being the prosperity gospel….

Africa, the Prosperity Gospel, and the Problem of Unguarded Churches

Is God Disappointed with Me?

A lot of us Christians, deep down, feel insecure. We think that God is disappointed in us. This feeling might come because we’ve sinned…

Is God Disappointed with Me?

What Should I Say When Sharing the Gospel?

Many of us believe evangelism is cut out for only a certain kind of people. Others cave in, imagining it is only meant for…

What Should I Say When Sharing the Gospel?

Understanding Gospel Adoption

Like Justification, adoption is a legal term. How we think about adoption today differs from how the word was used in the New Testament…

Understanding Gospel Adoption

The Gift of Salvation

Salvation is essentially a gift since it is obtained through the gracious work of God. In Christ, justice is done, and grace is dispensed….

The Gift of Salvation

New Life Through the Gospel

By the power of the Holy Spirit, the gospel brings new life to those saved by it. Colossians 2:13-14 describes how we acquire new…

New Life Through the Gospel

Blessings of the Gospel

The gospel has many benefits, as we saw in a previous article. Through the death, life, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, also known as the…

Blessings of the Gospel

Benefits of the Gospel

We could write years and years’ worth of blog articles about Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, also known as the gospel, because of the…

Benefits of the Gospel

What is the Gospel?

The gospel is the best news that anyone could hear. There is salvation through Jesus that can rescue us from the wrath of God…

What is the Gospel?

Is Eternal Life Real?

The Bible promises that eternal life is satisfying in every aspect; those who will obtain it will not hunger any more, they will never…

Is Eternal Life Real?

Why Do Some Fall Away? 

Have you ever wondered where most of the CU (Christian Union) die-hards go after school? Why some of them are not in the church…

Why Do Some Fall Away? 

Dangers Of Man Centered Gospel

Over the past few years, we have seen many professing Christians recanting their faith, claiming that it does not make sense anymore. Those who…

Dangers Of Man Centered Gospel

You Are The Man

We have seen how sin can be crippling for the individual and those around them over the past centuries. A trusted person falls into…

You Are The Man

More Than Repeating Words

The journey In 1996, Tricia had served us as a Sunday school volunteer under the Baptist Convention of Kenya for a year or two….

More Than Repeating Words

Broken Home, Mended Heart

A few years ago, I experienced the heart-wrenching reality of what separation is. My parents, who had lived together for most of my…

Broken Home, Mended Heart

How to Know You Are Saved

Between the ages of thirteen and nineteen years, I probably repented and prayed the “sinners prayer” for more than 300 times. I was…

How to Know You Are Saved

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