
The Deceitfulness of Sin

As human beings, we often fall into sin. We fall short of God’s glory. No one is righteous, not even one (Psalm 53:3). We…

The Deceitfulness of Sin

What Spirit is Leading You?

Pastors have often received requests from professing believers such as, “I need you to pray for the spirit of porn and lust to be…

What Spirit is Leading You?

Doctrine of Sin

In a very poetic fashion, pastor John Piper summarizes sin in this way: “Sin is any feeling, thought, speech, or action that comes from a…

Doctrine of Sin

Understanding Temptations

Temptation is an inward drive unto sin, which is to live independently of God. What are the origins of the inward desire? How do…

Understanding Temptations

Why Does God Hate Sin?

Psalm 5:4 says “For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you.” Such a statement shows us…

Why Does God Hate Sin?

Why Do Some Fall Away? 

Have you ever wondered where most of the CU (Christian Union) die-hards go after school? Why some of them are not in the church…

Why Do Some Fall Away? 

Ni Shetani Tu (It’s Just the Devil)

If you’re human, you have undoubtedly, at some point in your life, blamed other people or things for your failings. Doubtless, you have also…

Ni Shetani Tu (It’s Just the Devil)

A Strange Date

Some radio presenters got sacked due to comments that were allegedly deemed as defaming to a certain extent. It was more than firing. The…

A Strange Date

Men at Best

In the last few days, we have read and heard about one of the greatest Christian scandals of our time. Some shocking revelations about…

Men at Best


Just how crazy is the battle against us brethren from the dark world? How vicious ought we be in our pursuits? In any battle,…


The Sin of Control

Recently, I was struck with the thought that so many of us struggle with the sin of control. We want to be in control…

The Sin of Control

Challenges: Is Sin the Cause?

A story is told of an old African man who had one son and three hundred goats. The old man deeply loved his…

Challenges: Is Sin the Cause?

Challenges: Is Sin the Cause?

The belief that people pass through challenges because they have sinned is called the “theology of retribution.” This theology is common amongst many…

Challenges: Is Sin the Cause?

How Sinful Are You? – God’s Faithfulness & Mercy

Many times we say that God is a faithful God (Deuteronomy 7:9, 2 Timothy 2:13, Psalm 33:4) and that he is merciful (2…

How Sinful Are You? – God’s Faithfulness & Mercy

The “New Normal”

Have you ever heard people today describing something amazing or breathtaking? Or expressing joy and excitement because of something that has happened?…

The “New Normal”

Upside Down World

The world we live in today is jumbled and in disarray. We are in such a position that our society has embraced…

Upside Down World

My Story in Sin

Have you found yourself struggling with sin and at times feeling helpless? I remember back in my early days in faith how…

My Story in Sin

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