
I Left Church But Didn’t Leave God

In this article, we shall focus on religious dones and their reasons for leaving church but not God and why that approach is flawed….

I Left Church But Didn’t Leave God

Do I Need to Observe Church Ordinances?

Delving into the ordinances of baptism and holy communion to learn more about them….

Do I Need to Observe Church Ordinances?

How Church Members can Serve their Pastors

Explore the biblical importance of pastors in the church. Learn why it is crucial to serve and honor your pastors for the growth and…

How Church Members can Serve their Pastors

How Many African Preachers Imitate Israel’s False Prophets

My hope for this article is twofold. Firstly, I pray that more Christians will turn up and study the writings of the Old Testament…

How Many African Preachers Imitate Israel’s False Prophets

Biblical Principles for Youth Ministry 

For the longest time, I have had the privilege to go and teach biblical principles for youth ministry up country in smaller Bible colleges…

Biblical Principles for Youth Ministry 

A Case for Church Membership

The general perception that most have towards church membership is that it is something rather unnecessary. “Why do I need to have church membership…

A Case for Church Membership

Should Preaching Always Leave You Comfortable?

We live in an era where many desire preaching that tickles the ear. The Bible warns of a time when people will not endure…

Should Preaching Always Leave You Comfortable?

Church Attendance or Home Worship?

Church or Home? Where do you prefer to be on a Sunday? Which one does the Bible recommend? Over the centuries, we have always…

Church Attendance or Home Worship?

Why Worship God in a Church Community

Many professing Christians today will often ignore the gathering together of saints entirely and instead opt to worship alone at home. The advent of…

Why Worship God in a Church Community

Is Church Discipline Necessary?

Sinless perfection is not advocated for in the scriptures, for as we know, all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23)….

Is Church Discipline Necessary?

Can I Speak Against the Lord’s Anointed?

If you are a Christian then there is a good chance you have heard the reproach: ‘Don’t speak against the Lord’s anointed.’ You might…

Can I Speak Against the Lord’s Anointed?

Religious Fanaticism in Kenya

There has been significant abuse of religious freedom in our country, Kenya. Currently, we are battling with the sickening issue of Shakahola. Paul Mackenzie,…

Religious Fanaticism in Kenya

Do you need to go to deliverance ministries?

You must have encountered churches in Kenya that do weekly deliverance services, either across the street or on some TV channel. Week in and…

Do you need to go to deliverance ministries?

Are You in a Gospel Preaching Church?

Hearing the gospel preached to you will benefit you in ways that will cause your mind’s attention and heart’s affection to be focused on…

Are You in a Gospel Preaching Church?

The History of Christianity in Africa

This blog and audio were originally written and recorded by The Africa Study Bible and posted on TGC Africa. Africa is one of the…

The History of Christianity in Africa

Is Two or Three Gathered a Church?

‘I believe in God, but I don’t go to church’ has sadly become a popular statement among young people today. Some more biblically aware…

Is Two or Three Gathered a Church?

When should I question my pastor?

Previously, we wrote a blog on understanding the phrase, “Touch not the Lord’s anointed.” As young people in the fellowship, there are many times…

When should I question my pastor?

Do not touch the Lord’s anointed.

Of the most misquoted scriptures, 1 Chronicles 16:22 is among the top ones. In Christian circles, the big-wigs of the faith (bishops, pastors, deacons, evangelists, prophets…

Do not touch the Lord’s anointed.

Church Sucks

Jijo comes to the fellowship for the first time after a while. He enters the youth group sanctuary and sits in to listen to…

Church Sucks

Sabbath- Why We Worship on Sunday

“Sabbath” is a Christian term that we hear from time to time thrown around in church. I remember hearing it as a kid and…

Sabbath- Why We Worship on Sunday

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