God Will Not Abandon You

We live in a society where people are prone to quickly divorce and abandon; heartbreaks have become so prevalent. Single-parent families are on the rise, and sadly not because of natural reasons, such as death, but because of men and women walking away from the marriage institution. As a result, the levels of infidelity are on the rise. We have a generation consumed with thoughts of abandonment and rejection, which eventually affect their view of God. Christians must constantly remind themselves that their God is ever faithful despite all these anxieties (Deuteronomy 31:6). 

However, there come times when doubts engulf our minds, and we wonder if God is really with us. Our minds will usually begin shifting in this direction whenever we face trials, heartbreaks and luck. Nevertheless, through the scriptures, God has assured his saints that he ‘will never leave you nor forsake you’ (Hebrews 13:5). Paul sums up this truth when sharing the challenges they faced in their missionary endeavours in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushedperplexed, but not driven to despairpersecuted, but not forsakenstruck down, but not destroyed.” 

Notice the contrasts Paul uses here. We confirm that evil and trying moments are bound to occur, and as bad as they may seem, the Lord will not allow the extreme worst to happen. For, even death, separation from this physical body, is not as severe an experience if we are in Christ, as we shall see later. The following paragraphs can help us reinforce our conviction and confidence in the Lord never leaving us. 

God Knows My Depraved State 

David, in Psalm 139:13, says that it is the LORD who formed our innermost parts while we were in our mother’s womb. So if there is anyone who knows us best, it must be the One who created the very fibre of our being; God. And since we live in a fallen world (Romans 8:22), we are bound to go through difficult times until such a time when we shall be glorified into the perfect likeness of Christ (Romans 8:23, 30). 

As we sojourn on this side of eternity, our hope must be in the fact that God remembers that we are fallen human beings. He offers the help of His Spirit as He intercedes for us (Romans 8:26) and gives us the strength to face the challenges each day (2 Corinthians 4:16). As the daily strivings come our way, at no time does the LORD fail to provide us with the necessary strength to overcome and stand firm. God knows full well that in our fallen nature, we would perish without his constant help. For this reason, he stays ever close to his own. 

God Cannot Function Contrary to His Nature

It is a fact that God is faithful in all His ways, and his character is unchanging. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that Jesus is the same. Even through the old testament times, God’s track record has been constant. Abraham, in Genesis 22, experiences this faithful God when, after being asked to sacrifice his only son, he is provided with a sacrifice in place of the son, Isaac. We also see God showing forth his faithful nature in freeing the children of Israel from slavery under Egyptian rule in the book of Exodus. When God speaks his Word, he can never default (Numbers 23:19). He always performs in accordance with his Word. When we go through difficult times, may we remember that God will never abandon his own. The possibility of him forsaking his children would make him a potential liar and a deceiver, which God is not and can never be.  

One may ask, Well, if God is good, then why does he allow his children to go through painful experiences? Before answering this question, we must understand that God’s goodness is not necessarily defined by his works, though these also go a long way to express His goodness. God’s goodness is based on His character more than his deeds. To well understand God’s character, we must interact with his Word. Therein, God’s nature is laid out. He tells Israelites through the prophet Malachi in Malachi 3:6 that he does not change. If God has brought many people through difficult times before, then be sure that he will hold you up. 

Also, to answer why God allows bad things to happen to his children, God does this so that at the end of our tribulations, we ‘may be mature and complete, not lacking anything’ (James 1:2-4). Therefore, may we ask God to grant that we may consider it pure joy when we face trials of all kinds (James 1:2-4). 

He Has Prepared a Home For Us 

Finally, we know that Jesus will not abandon us because he promised to prepare an eternal home for those who trust in him (Revelation 21:1-27). He says in John 14:1-3 that he has gone to prepare a place so that where he is, there we shall also be. Isn’t that such comfort? Everything that happens to us in this life is not all there is for us. Jesus is preparing a place where we will spend all eternity. Paul writes in Romans 8:18-30 that our trials cannot compare to the glory that awaits us beyond this life. Be encouraged. 

In as much as life can push us to doubt the omniscient character of our God, we, many a time, fall prey to anxious thoughts due to focusing on the temporal. Failing to fix our eyes on things eternal (Colossians 3:2) will keep us from seeing things from a biblical perspective. Earthly things, the material, will easily blind us if our gaze stays on them too long. May we purpose to set the eyes of our hearts on the things above so that we do not easily forget the faithfulness of our God. He has said He will be with us to the end of the age; therefore, take him at his Word (Matthew 28:20). 


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