Unless the Lord…It’s All in Vain

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builder’s labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. – Psalm 127:1

Do not make the mistake of leaving God out of your life. He is the vine, and we are the branches, apart from him we can do nothing. He is the creator of all the universe and controls everything that happens in it. He gives everyone life and breath and everything else. In other words, whatever you embark on without committing to the Lord, it is just another effort in futility. God gives us the wisdom, strength and ability and everything else we need in this life to achieve our purpose and dreams.

I remember my friend Mwangi at one time felt that he needed to marry. He had a longtime girlfriend, but their relationship was not built on godly principles. Mwangi and his girlfriend knew God, but they were unwilling to let God be the foundation of their relationship. As a result of this, they kept having ugly fights and quarrels due to pride and discontentment. After some time they broke up, and Mwangi felt that he had really wasted a lot of time with his now ex-girlfriend. The truth is that their relationship was not God-centered and it was bound to fail even if they could have gotten married.

If you want success in life, if you’re going to achieve your dreams and goals put God first in everything you do. Commit whatever you do to God, and he will establish your plans. Let him be the Alpha and the Omega in your life, the beginning and the end. The Lord is more than willing to help you and to give you the best.


Dear God, thank you for loving me and wanting to be involved in my life. Take control of my life and show me the way I should go. Amen.



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