“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” John 10:27-30

So far, we have seen the truths that anchor our souls in this hymn. Yes. It is a masterpiece of Theology that keeps the soul focused on eternity’s giver- God. From battles of human weakness and doubts to the certainty of God’s delight over his own and now to the assurance of faith- nothing can snatch us away from the Savior’s grip. He has held securely. Paul reminds in Romans 8 that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. This assurance is what we call security! If it is true that the Lord delights in us, then it should not be a wonder for us that he promises to keep us safe in his grip forever. He has promised to keep us safe, and there is not a promise that he has failed to keep, looking at his track record.

 Secured by Christ’s promise

The phrase here is, “He’ll not let my soul be lost, his promises shall last; Bought by Him at such a cost, he will hold me fast.” Jesus sealed the state of your soul when he came in and saved you from the presence, power and penalty of sin. He pulled you from the pit when you had zero clues of how to do that. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us and saved us with his imperishable blood. ‘He will not let…’ here suggests active participation by the Savior to do whatever needs to be done to ensure your soul’s safety. He who watches over us never sleeps nor slumbers. If he did that before you were right, much more now that he has made you a son in the house of the Father! He vowed never to leave us nor forsake us.

 The affirmative statement here is this- his promises shall last! They are not fleeting and fading. They are eternal. He promised Israel’s deliverance and did it perfectly. He promised the destruction of cities and kings and Kingdoms and all that happened word perfect! He is faithful to keep us to the end. He reminds us that his promise is Yes and in it, Amen. There is no shadow of turning with Him. What has God promised you? Life! Regardless of how thick the plot may get; God will make good his word. In a world where everything is casting shadows in the existence and reality of God, we need our souls to anchor fully on something profound.

 Secured by Christ’s sacrifice

Secondly, he says that he has bought us at such a cost! What cost? His covenant-keeping blood. Jesus sacrificed himself for you and me. If sin would be the deterrent to our inheriting heaven or the flesh and the world and the devil, then this one thing would still create the connecting bridge- his blood that paid our all. Why would Jesus keep hanging on some of us, yet we are fickle and flighty in our expressions of faith? We lie and cheat; we make ungodly decisions often; we walk away from the truth and many other evils we can attest. Why would Jesus make us his delight and keep our souls eternally secure? Because he died and paid the price that even hell cannot contend. He will hold you fast! Friend, has hit you just how precious this salvation thought is? Do you realize just how miraculous and stupendous this thought is? Do not fret. He will hold you fast dear brother. Focus on him who has overcome for you. His hands are stronger than any habit that has ever gripped you. Do you see as if death cast a shadow over your head? We can face the grave because it no longer has power as it did before. With Jesus, we can face the threats of darkness with gladness knowing that past the gate of life on earth lies an open entrance into eternity where our Father calls us sons and our Savior calls us brothers! Even so, he will hold us fast. You will not perish. It is not in vain this sacrifice and passion we have now. He has promised, and he is faithful enough to accomplish. He will hold you fast.


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