Inside a Certain Head…
You are sitting in a field and there are kids playing with a ball. All over sudden, you hear one kid scream in pain because a stone thrown from somewhere has hit them. Looking closely, you realize there is another kid sitting at a distance with a naughty smile. “What?” you think to yourself. “Did he just do that?” Your mind starts to wonder why on earth, for heaven’s sake, in Jesus name, he had to do it. I will say it is because there is something cooking inside his head! When there is a shooting in school by a random teenager, you know there is something cooking inside a certain head.
What is inside a head anyway? Well, many may conclude that inside a head there are brains… yes. Brains! White coiled like stuff that is slimy and strange. The stuff that stores all the intellect power or so my basic, unschooled Biology tells me (forget it if I actually sound dumber). But really, what’s inside a head? Others may well say that inside the head is the mind! By the way, where is the mind? Again, my two pence knowledge would guess that the mind is somewhere inside my head, tucked in safely somewhere in the white, slimy stuff called my brains. How true that is open for discussion. But really, what is inside a certain head? The head that is shaved, blow-dried, weaved, shaolin, Mo-hawk, curly kit etc.?
Well inside the heads of the many smiling people you see around is an enormous battle of truth and lies, emotions and facts, failure and success, righteous and wickedness, black and white, blessing and curse, smiles and tears, wishes and accomplishments, God and Satan, eternity and obscurity… and the list is definitely longer. Whenever they are walking around or sitting in the matatus, you never seem to be able to guess whose head is where because that is all we usually see- heads! The joys are too high at times, you cannot grasp their extent or the tears are too deep you could never dive in to measure. A certain head is cracking with pressure while another is teeming with life and all these heads do not have a sign that that is what is happening.
What is in your head? Whatever it is, it is a battle of a base lie against a high truth; it is a battle of faith and unbelief; a battle that we must fight in the power of the Almighty or loose in the weakness of our finite strength. A mother is thinking of the pains caused by a child or a wife tired with the aches from a husband; a father strained with the hustles of daily responsibilities (or lack of achieving them) or a husband paining not able to share because he ‘must be a strong male figure’. What is inside a certain head? It could be a thousand and one questions to God because of certain misfortunes or complaints due to matters gone totally south! All these are in certain heads that we walk with, talk to, laugh with, cry with, text, tweet, sing with, eat with, ride with, play with or even pray with! Heads that need opening so that they can know the rest that the Lord so kindly promises in Matthew 11:28-29- Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

When you sit around many heads and notice some slight changes or signs of unrest, care to pray to the Head of all heads who created the slimy stuff. Pray that He would also guard these many heads that may be going through many things that we may never know; pray that He would come down like dew and minister to these heads… certain heads that may be on the verge of crumbling. Maybe as you say a prayer, the Supernatural, sovereign will move in a spiritual semi-permeable membrane and speak ‘PEACE! PEACE! COMFORT! COMFORT!’ in the inside of certain heads. He is the only one that can give peace to any head. Ask him to give you peace if you need it and others peace if they need it. Peace is available and only through the power of Christ.