Cloud Nine

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. – Colossians 3:3-4

One Sunday morning during our church service, the pastor called a certain lady to make an intercessory prayer. She cried out to God, addressing a number of issues that defined the moment at that particular time; the sinful state of affairs in our nation Kenya, illnesses amongst our congregants, loss of family members within the congregation among other things. She ended by uttering “Maranatha” repeatedly. At the time, I did not know what that actually meant having only seen that word on a number of passenger service vehicles that ply a popular route called Githurai. I did a bit of research and discovered that it means, “Come, O Lord”. This has been a personal prayer ever since I understood the meaning of “Maranatha.” This word also helps me in my prayer life to continue to continue to long for Jesus Christ’s second coming. I long for his second coming because he went ahead of us to prepare and secure for us a heavenly dwelling.

What a magnificent and breathtaking moment it will be to his beloved when Christ appears. His love will be fully manifested to those who died with him. His glory shall be seen. God’s immediate presence will be with them and God will be their perfect happiness. The joy of every believer will be with them and it will be unspeakable. However, there is a caveat for you to enjoy this reward of the returning of Christ.

First as a believe your must be dead to this world. Your source of joy, happiness, and mind set on the things above, heavenly things.

Secondly Christ is to be your life. Galatians 2:20 puts across that if you believe in Christ, it is no longer you who lives but Christ lives in you. Christ is the believer’s Alpha and Omega. He lives in you by his Spirit and you live to him in all that you do. You live a life that is completely devoted and totally surrendered to Christ.

Once these things are true, you live in eager anticipation of Christ’s second coming knowing that you will be rewarded fully and beaming with confidence that you will participate in the pomp and glory of his coming. At that second coming of Christ, if your life is now hidden with him, then you also will appear with Christ in the glory that he himself enjoys. Christ himself intercedes for you and wants you to experience the heavenly glory together with him. You need to deny yourself, take up your cross and entrust your life to Jesus by following him. Your true life lies in the other world, since you are dead to this one. Your home is there, your treasure is there and you will be there forever only if Jesus lives in you. You will experience complete happiness and contentment, experiencing God’s perfect peace. Forever on cloud nine. Revelation 21:4 sums it up all “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’



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