Pleasing The Lord

“And find out what pleases the Lord.” – Ephesians 5:10

As a believer, you should spend your time trying to find out which the Lord delights in. You should examine and search diligently what God has revealed to be his will. The above scripture is quite unambiguous and is kind of a stepping stone in helping us to have a proper relationship with Christ, our Savior. The Bible here instructs us to find out what pleases God, and what is interesting is that you can only know or find whatever pleases God from the Bible. In essence, this verse is telling us to study Scripture and to apply it in our daily lives. In doing this, you are in right standing with God; thus you experience God’s favor and God’s blessings in your life. Here are just two things that will surely please God and gain his favor; Faith and Obedience.


In Hebrews 11:6, we are told that “…without faith, it is impossible to please God …” The first verse of Hebrews 11 says that “faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Faith can also be described as a firm persuasion and expectation that God will perform all that he has promised us in Christ Jesus. Faith goes hand in hand with hope and trust, and God wants us to have confidence in him and trust in him fully. By doing this, you please the Lord and gain his favor.


Obedience is dutiful or submissive compliance to the commands of one in authority, in this case to God. God delights in us when we submit to his commands and authority. In 1 Samuel 15:22, we are told that to obey is better than sacrifice and to heed is better than the fat of rams. The LORD does not delight in burnt offerings as much as in obeying him. King Saul would not be obedient to God’s commands but would offer sacrifices expecting that he would gain God’s favor. However, God was not pleased with the sacrifices of King Saul when truthfully his heart was far from him due to his disobedience.

If you desire to have a peaceful, prosperous and favored life, find out at all costs what pleases the Lord. Seek to know and to do his will. The Lord says if you seek him, you will find him. Once you please the Lord, you also find favor in his eyes.


Dear God, I desire to find out that which is pleasing in your sight. Help me to do whatever pleases you and to live a life that honors you. Amen.



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