You Will Never Walk Alone 

When you hear the phrase You will never walk alone, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? If you are like me, a soccer fan, the thing that comes to mind is the English Premier League team, Liverpool Football Club, whose slogan is, in fact, You will never walk alone. Anyway, in the journey of our faith, we must know this statement in our heart of hearts; otherwise, we shall easily find ourselves in despair. 

Whenever we face trials, tribulations and failures, we often think that we are alone and that God does not care for our state. But, is it true that God does not care for us? Could that be why we go through difficult times? By no means. The believer, unlike the unbeliever, has much more hope during challenging seasons of life because their God is always with them–even when others do not stand by their side (Psalm 27:10). 

So, why should I rest assured that I am never alone in Christ?

His Character – Faithful

Hebrews 13:8 tells us that Jesus is unchangeable. What he was in the beginning (John 1:1-3) is what he is today. Moreover, we have evidence from our forerunners of faith about Jesus’ dependable character over the years. He showed the first family his faithfulness even in their disobedience (Genesis 3-4). He revealed and led Abraham from the land of the Chaldeans (Genesis 12) and especially his descendants, the Jews, from Egypt to Canaan (Exodus 12:33-42). For 400 years, the Jews did not work or trade for food, yet God supplied all they needed in the wilderness despite their grumbling and complaints. 

David, a faithful last born shepherd boy (1 Samuel 16:13), was forgotten by his father when Samuel was evaluating his brothers—but God remembered him for his genuine heart and love. Afterwards, God walked with him through his trials with Saul, even when he thought it was over. God is faithful and cannot leave those whom he loves. Time and space do not allow me to talk about the prophets of old extensively; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Micah and the rest. Though they had a difficult task that made them unpopular among the people (to bring God’s message of judgment and hope), they always depended on God’s fellowship for strength. They never walked alone. The disciples knew this all too well. After all, he had told them as much before he ascended (Matthew 28:20) that he would be with them to the very end of the age. 

The character of our saviour is such that he never leaves those he saves. Over the centuries, we have read stories of many caught in difficult, heart-wrenching situations, but God miraculously encouraged them–I am with you! (Read the book ‘The Jesus Freaks’ by DC Talk and Voice of the Martyrs). So if you are in Christ and things are seemingly out of control, and you feel like giving up on God, remember that you never walk alone; God is always with you. He is always by your side, even though you may not feel it. 

His Promises – Eternal

Secondly, we know that we never walk alone because of the eternal promises of Christ. He is not like men who lie, and neither can he change his mind (Numbers 23:19). Scripture tells us that his promises are yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). Ask around, and you will hear testimonies from men and women who found this Jesus eternally faithful in keeping his promises. Whatever he says, he must accomplish because his word never returns to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). 

God, in Christ, has given us countless promises in his word. 

  • He says that we should not fear or be dismayed when facing new challenges. (Deuteronomy 31:6-8). 
  • In times of trouble from enemies, he assures us that he will be there. (Joshua 1:5). 
  • When we feel broke and in dire need of money, he says he is with us; therefore, we should flee from the love of money and learn to depend on him. (Hebrews 13:5-6). 
  • When fear of the unknown cripples our minds, he promises us his presence. (Isaiah 41:10). 
  • When we are scared of sharing the gospel because of the dangers and persecutions, he promises us that he will be there. (Matthew 28:20). 

There are many more things we can point out that show us the dependability of his promises. God will always keep his promises. He has done it before, and he will do it again. These scriptures are why we know that we will never walk alone. Our God is and will always be with us. 


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