Tag: Faith

How Does Jesus Love Us?

Explore the profound depths of God’s love beyond the familiar John 3:16 verse. Discover its practical expressions and personal significance in your life. Delve…

How Does Jesus Love Us?

Signs of Toxic Faith in Christianity

Sadly, our age of numerous sects has brought us more harm than good. Many people have found themselves in harmful Christian sects that they…

Signs of Toxic Faith in Christianity

The Holy Spirit and Our Faith

In a world where some have heavily misused the concept of empowerment by the Holy Spirit, it is easy to ignore the essential role that the Holy…

The Holy Spirit and Our Faith

Learning About Faith from Stories in the Gospels

When one considers this rough patchwork of stories, one sees the complexity in the subject of faith. What are we to make of all…

Learning About Faith from Stories in the Gospels

Essentials of the Christian Faith

This reality isn’t exclusively Kenyan. Ligonier Ministries, in partnership with Lifeway Research, surveys ‘The State of Theology’ in America every two years. One of…

Essentials of the Christian Faith

A Case for Biblical Faith

Hebrews 1:1 furnishes the best definition of faith. It says faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen….

A Case for Biblical Faith

Faith Listens and Walks with God

Faith is not just some mystical thing that believes only, but faith is connected to action. Some of those actions are a life that…

Faith Listens and Walks with God

What is Faith?

In society, we have certainly heard many opinions and definitions of the word faith. People will say things like they are having faith that…

What is Faith?

Unanswered Prayers and the Christian’s Response

here is a high likelihood you have prayed prayers that you feel went unanswered. You prayed for weeks on end, fasted maybe, and yet…

Unanswered Prayers and the Christian’s Response

Why Do Some Fall Away? 

Have you ever wondered where most of the CU (Christian Union) die-hards go after school? Why some of them are not in the church…

Why Do Some Fall Away? 

Dangers Of Man Centered Gospel

Over the past few years, we have seen many professing Christians recanting their faith, claiming that it does not make sense anymore. Those who…

Dangers Of Man Centered Gospel

Easter Feelings- Sorrow, Loneliness, Weeping, Fear, & Great Joy

One of the things that I have loved about Kenya is that Easter is such a big holiday. After Christmas, I feel that…

Easter Feelings- Sorrow, Loneliness, Weeping, Fear, & Great Joy

Grief and Rejoicing: Two Conflicting Emotions

Recently I was talking with a friend, and he said that many people have been struggling to express what this heaviness, this stomach…

Grief and Rejoicing: Two Conflicting Emotions


It has been a few days since the announcement of the indefinite school closure and a call for self-quarantine in Kenya. It has…


Corrupt Christians

ecently I visited a home fellowship curtesy of an invitation by a friend who is a member of that home fellowship. The day’s…

Corrupt Christians


In the past several weeks, we have seen a pandemic grow in the universe called Coronavirus. From China to Italy, USA, Germany, Singapore,…



Theology sounds like such a dull word to many. When you hear the word “theology” what do you picture? I used to imagine…


Everyone Is A Theologian

Theology is one of those disciplines that is much fought by many. In an attempt to oppose Theology, individuals still expose their theology….

Everyone Is A Theologian

Guilt and Shame- Two Bad Sisters

Growing up is the most intriguing thing that can happen to any of us. We have many stories of how we did things-…

Guilt and Shame- Two Bad Sisters

Christianity is not a religion.

In recent years we have lots of conversations about the issue of religion. We have many hashtags on faith, and why many people…

Christianity is not a religion.

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