Tag: Apologetics

God’s Peace Vs World Peace

We live in a broken world full of evil and injustice at every turn. The calls and cries for peace and equal rights have…

God’s Peace Vs World Peace

What Religion is True?

There are many ways of tackling the question of true religion. Many people, when asked about religion, will respond along the lines of, “…as…

What Religion is True?

Basic Practices of Islam: The Five Pillars and Jihad

In this article, I am writing about the basic practices of Islam. It is one thing to believe. It is another thing to do…

Basic Practices of Islam: The Five Pillars and Jihad

The Many Faces of Islam in Africa

Islam is one of the largest religions in Africa, making up of over 40% of the African population. To ignore Islam is the greatest…

The Many Faces of Islam in Africa

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