يدعوك الله للإنضمام لمركب النجاة
اعترف بإحتياجاتك لله
اطلب منه الغفران
ضع ثقتك الكاملة في المسيح لكي ينقذك
اتّتع يسوع المسيح – بإيمان – كملك لحياتك من الآن فصاعدا
The moment you trust Jesus Christ, you become a CHILD of God and His Spirit begins to LIVE inside of you.
You have become part of His story. The more you grow in your relationship with God, the more of His story you will begin to see & understand in your life. All of your sin, past and future, is forgiven, and you now find total acceptance before Him. When you begin this relationship, Jesus promises to be with you through all the UPS and DOWNS and in the joys and difficulties of this life. He loves you with an EVERLASTING, unchanging love. And not only has He promised eternal life, but He came so that you could also experience purpose, fulfillment, and freedom in this life.
Now that you've trusted Jesus alone for rescue, we want to pray for you and give you some resources to take the next steps in your faith:
What's next?
Read the Bible
The Bible is the story of God’s love and faithfulness to His people. It provides encouragement, instruction, warning, and correction that will help you make sense of your life. As you read it, ask God to show you something you can apply to your life. If you’re not sure where to begin, start with the Gospel of John in the New Testament.
Find Community
Getting connected with others who have trusted in the rescue of God is essential. A “church” is a community of Christians gathering regularly to worship God as His family. Each member of the family plays a vital role: Similar to the human body, each part helps the whole body function properly. The church is the Body of Christ.
Talk with God
Talking with God is another way you will get to know Him. He is always ready to listen and spend time with you, so you can always speak with Him. He invites you to share all your burdens and joys with Him; this is prayer.
Tell Your Story
Talking with God is another way you will get to know Him. He is always ready to listen and spend time with you, so you can always speak with Him. He invites you to share all your burdens and joys with Him; this is prayer.