Spiritual Growth

How to Not Grieve the Holy Spirit

Using Ephesians 4:30 and 1 Thessalonians 5:19, you will see why and how Christians should avoid grieving the Holy Spirit….

How to Not Grieve the Holy Spirit

What are the signs of Spiritual Growth?

When a baby is born, there are several things that the mother is expected to look out for medically that will prove that the…

What are the signs of Spiritual Growth?

Not Pleasent but Fruitful

Our walk with Christ also has seasons of pruning. Often, these seasons are hard– though necessary for a joyful sanctification journey. We call it…

Not Pleasent but Fruitful

You Have No Excuse

One of the most confusing yet plain concepts is the concept of God. The Enlightenment period is a time in history when man-made groundbreaking…

You Have No Excuse

Dangers Of Man Centered Gospel

Over the past few years, we have seen many professing Christians recanting their faith, claiming that it does not make sense anymore. Those who…

Dangers Of Man Centered Gospel

Spiritual Growth Part 2

The above scripture to the church at Philippi introduces us to the primary purpose of this article. It begins by telling us…

Spiritual Growth Part 2

Spiritual Growth- Part 1

Once a baby is born, they have all it takes to live. The baby has all the organs that will support and…

Spiritual Growth- Part 1

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