Explore the profound depths of God’s love beyond the familiar John 3:16 verse. Discover its practical expressions and personal significance in your life. Delve…
Do You View Jesus Aright? Explore beyond popular virtues to discover his full spectrum in this insightful article. Delve into compassion, forgiveness, love, truth,…
Explore a profound perspective on God’s holiness rarely taught today. Discover its deep biblical roots and transformative power. Join us in rediscovering its urgent…
Explore the importance of friendship boundaries in navigating human fallibility, setting expectations, and defining personal limits. Dive into the article for detailed Biblical guidelines….
10 Reasons Missionaries Should Join a Local Church
Your goal in missions is to glorify God through proclamation towards the salvation of people. Your participation in the church’s gospel ministry serves this…
Africa, the Prosperity Gospel, and the Problem of Unguarded Churches
There can be no denying that distortions of the gospel have crept into many churches throughout Africa, chief amongst them being the prosperity gospel….