Author: Kuza

How Do I Lead Well?

This article seeks to answer the question, “How Do I Lead Well?”, especially in light of the responsibility placed upon a leader’s shoulders….

How Do I Lead Well?

Biblical Roles of Husbands in Marriage

In the following paragraphs, we will delve into a few critical components of men’s roles in marriage according to Ephesians 5:25-33….

Biblical Roles of Husbands in Marriage

What Is a Good Leader?

In this article, we shall delve into this matter and see what a good leader is as far as God’s word is concerned….

What Is a Good Leader?

God Holds Leaders Accountable

A deep dive into scripture will help show us the truth of God’s stance concerning the injustices by the political class and the clergy…

God Holds Leaders Accountable

Why Do You Believe in God?

In this article, we will examine why people claim to believe in God and establish which reasons are biblical….

Why Do You Believe in God?

Must Committed Christians be in Active Ministry?

This article reevaluates the relationship between religious activity (ministry) and a genuine pursuit of Christlikeness. …

Must Committed Christians be in Active Ministry?

Is the Rhema Word More Powerful than Logos?

In this article, we shall delve into Rhema and Logos. We shall also seek to show if there are any differences between the two….

Is the Rhema Word More Powerful than Logos?

What to Glean from Moses’ Leadership

With his distinct role and actions, Moses can be a beacon of insight in understanding biblical leadership….

What to Glean from Moses’ Leadership

Why Christians Shouldn’t Easily Take Offense

How can we, as Christians, learn to overlook offences? The following article has helpful pointers one can consider to grow in this area….

Why Christians Shouldn’t Easily Take Offense

Can Christians Manifest?

Instead of manifesting our desires, we should focus on deepening our relationship with God and aligning our desires with his (Psalm 37:4)….

Can Christians Manifest?

Marks of a True Christian

The following article will offer some markers that that we can look out for to measure others and ourselves on if we are true…

Marks of a True Christian

Sharing the Gospel with Gen Z

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, were born between 1997 and 2012, during the internet advancement period. This was exemplified by the rise…

Sharing the Gospel with Gen Z

Hate Giving Bribes as Much as Large-Scale Corruption

Should believers also bow to such societal expectations and pay bribes? What do the scriptures teach us about paying bribes?  …

Hate Giving Bribes as Much as Large-Scale Corruption

Our Greatest Political Statement 

In this article, I will seek to define the church’s foundational political statement and what its mission is….

Our Greatest Political Statement 

A Necessary Redress of ‘God is Love’

In our unending quest to understand who God is, we must examine the attribute most closely associated with God: ‘God is Love.’…

A Necessary Redress of ‘God is Love’

Are Short-Term Missions Enough?

In light of the Great Commission, this article seeks to answer if short-term missions are enough to fulfil it….

Are Short-Term Missions Enough?

An Exhortation unto Self-Control 

A welcome exhortation unto self-control. Discover practical insights and encouragement on cultivating self-control in everyday life….

An Exhortation unto Self-Control 

Date Someone Who Challenges you Spiritually 

Explore the struggle of dating to change someone’s faith and the value of being with someone who challenges you spiritually….

Date Someone Who Challenges you Spiritually 

Is Your God-Glorifying Ambition Selfish or Self-Forgetful?

In this article, I seek to encourage us to examine whether we are glorifying God for his sake or ours….

Is Your God-Glorifying Ambition Selfish or Self-Forgetful?

The Sin of Prideful Humility

In this article, we will delve into specific stories from the Bible that illustrate the concept of prideful humility….

The Sin of Prideful Humility

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