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The Gift of Grace

God’s grace can be described through how God gives sinful men things they do not deserve. It is the unmerited favor that God gives to us in the many aspects of life. In this podcast, we will seek to…

The Gift of Grace

The Authority of Scripture

Scripture can be and ought to be trusted because everything written therein brings conviction of sin, life transformation, and eternal joy. We have the evidence of many changed lives around such that a denial of its Authority beckons us…

The Authority of Scripture

Leaders Reflect the People They Lead

How often do we complain of corruption, tribalism, divisive politics, and embezzlement of public funds, among many other vices in this nation, yet still, we are the very ones who promote such leaders among ourselves? When arrested for whatever…

Leaders Reflect the People They Lead

Bible New Year!

Tired of New Year’s resolutions that fizzle by February? This year, nourish your soul instead. Join us as we explore how memorizing scripture and diving into the Bible can be your secret weapon for lasting transformation. Go beyond the…

Bible New Year!

Doctrines About Angels

This podcast will delve into the truth about the doctrines of angels (angelology) from a Biblical perspective….

Doctrines About Angels

Why Jesus Came

Many things characterize Christmas celebrations. On the negative, it is a time of much emotional and sexual anarchy. Many are preparing scandalous events that will orgy filled and morally unbecoming. Many homes will lose their dads and moms to…

Why Jesus Came

What Religion is True?

Many people, when asked about religion, will respond along the lines of, “…as long as it is sincere, true to someone, or brings peace or happiness, then it is acceptable religion”. As Christians, we must seek to answer this…

What Religion is True?

The Glory of God

What is the Glory of God? Christopher Morgan defines it this way, “The glory of God is the magnificence, worth, loveliness, and majesty of his many perfections, which he displays in his creative and redemptive acts to make his…

The Glory of God

What Should I Say When Sharing the Gospel?

Do you share the gospel? Are you struggling with what to say when sharing the gospel? In today’s podcast, we offer tips on how to easily share the gospel….

What Should I Say When Sharing the Gospel?

Open Relationships and Christianity

Open relationships are those where one is in a relationship with a particular person, but they allow either one partner or both of them to have sexual relationships with people other than their spouses. These relationships include polyamorous relationships,…

Open Relationships and Christianity

The Gift of Salvation

Sin is anything that goes against the will of God who requires 100% perfection, and anything short of that is sin. Without such perfection, we cannot qualify for eternity with God (Hebrews 12:14-15). Now all have sinned and fallen…

The Gift of Salvation

Doctrines About Demons

Among the powers at work in our world are demonic powers. The study of the origin and operation of Satan and demons is called demonology. A demon is a disembodied spirit of malevolent (evil) power and assignment; they seek…

Doctrines About Demons

Soma – James 2:18-26 Faith Not Expressed in Work is Dead

Grow in your understanding of the Bible with Soma by Kuza. Today, we’re covering James 2:18-26, discussing how Faith not expressed in Work is dead….

Soma – James 2:18-26 Faith Not Expressed in Work is Dead

The Sin of Tribalism

There is hardly an election year in Kenya that was not marked by violence and death as people took to arms to defend their ethnic communities and leaders. Our ethnic identity has often outweighed the instinct to preserve life….

The Sin of Tribalism

Grace To Live

Is Grace just something that is good news through the gospel? Or, to put it another way, is grace just past tense, something that Jesus did to save us? What about Christian living today or in the future? Today…

Grace To Live

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