We have been getting a lot of questions here at Kuza and seen a lot of comments recently about the skin colour of Jesus. The question arises over and over again, what colour is Jesus? I hope to talk a little bit about this question in this blog and hopefully shed light on an answer to this question and answer the questions behind the question. One of the questions behind the question of the skin colour of Jesus would be whether or not Jesus can identify with me as a person of colour? Another question behind the question would be whether or not Jesus can understand what it is like to grow up the way that I grew up? Lastly, the question behind the question would be whether or not Jesus cares that we, as a people of colour, struggled financially and didn’t see much justice? These questions behind the questions are significant because they carry the idea that if Jesus indeed was black, then he would identify, understand, and care about me.
Skin Color And Theology
We do see this question of the skin colour of Jesus as significant mainly because of the questions behind the question. But to take the question of the colour of Jesus directly at face value is not as significant. The reason is that Jesus is our Saviour (Matthew 1:21) and regardless of his skin colour, he is the only way to heaven (John 14:6, Acts 4:12). It was Jesus that left all of the comforts of heaven to come to earth and become human (John 1:1, John 1:14, Philippians 2:5-8). Coming to earth meant that he was to be amongst a people that did not receive him (John 1:11), loved sin (John 3:19), and were his enemies (Romans 5:10). Despite this all, he reconciled man to God because of his death on the cross as our Savior (Romans 5:10). This reconciliation stopped the wrath of God for not receiving Jesus, loving sin, and being his enemy (Romans 5:9). You see, the skin colour of Jesus means nothing when you consider the fact that he is the Saviour. True Christians could care less if Jesus was purple, green, black, or white because he is precious as our Saviour and the only way to heaven. We pray that you will come to view him this way theologically with us.
Questions Behind the Skin Color
Now to answer the questions behind the question, you may need to search why are you asking this question of the skin colour of Jesus? Many times we ask this question because some of our readers believe the narrative that Christianity is a white man’s religion with colonial roots and not African. We at Kuza firmly believe that it is not true and have shown why in other blogs. Africa had an incredible Christian heritage way before colonialist came to Africa. So we would argue that Christianity is a worldwide religion in the one true Saviour Jesus Christ that has incredible pre-colonial foundations in Africa.
We feel that many people are asking this question of the skin colour of Jesus is because they have struggled quite a bit in life and wonder if Jesus can identify with them. Maybe you’re like my friend Omondi who had only one pair of shoes period growing up. He never put his shoes on until he got to school because he was afraid that his parents only bought him one pair a year and he didn’t want to wear them out. He walked ten kilometres to school every day, and in the rainy season, he would get dirty from the mud and then wash his feet before putting on his shoes. He had two total pairs of trousers, and his best clothes were his torn school uniform. Eating was a luxury that was not met every single day. For him, he wondered whether or not Jesus cared about him or could identify with him with all of the injustices that he saw in his world.
Jesus Understands Injustice
Have you been through these injustices like Omondi and wondered why the white Europeans are getting all of the special treatment? You thought maybe because it’s because of a white Jesus that cannot identify with your black Africaness and sympathized with the wazungu. I want you to know that Jesus can identify with you. As I mentioned above, because of the incarnation of Jesus in this world, he clearly shows that is willing to suffer for your sake (John 1:1, John 1:14, Philippians 2:5-8). Jesus was ready to come and do hard unwelcomed things on this earth for his enemies to be redeemed. He knows what it was like to suffer and struggle (1 Peter 3:18, 1 Peter 2:21, 1 Peter 4:1). He knows what it is like to to be oppressed, afflicted, and suffer injustice (Isaiah 53:7, 1 Peter 2:22-23). Jesus went through all of this suffering, yet he was completely sinless (Isaiah 53:9, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 4:15, 1 John 3:5). He chose to identify with us for the sake of reconciling his enemies to God (Romans 5:10).
Jesus Lives with you
Another essential thing to consider is that whenever someone puts their faith and trust in Jesus, he puts his Spirit within them (Romans 8:9-10, 1 Corinthians 12:12-13). In other words, every Christian has Christ within them (2 Corinthians 13:1-5, Colossians 1:27). Jesus is in you, and he is with you for eternity. Whenever you become a Christian Jesus fully knows you, understands you, and lives with you. He can completely identify with all that you’re going through because he is in you and wants to be with you. He knows what it is like to be you. He knows what it is like to be black because he is in you.
The questions behind the question of the skin colour of Jesus are significant if you’re searching to know if Jesus can fully identify with you and what it means to suffer as you have suffered. He knows what it means to suffer more than you do because he was sinless and never did anything wrong. You may want to know why you’re suffering and why you and others are going through challenges I am not entirely sure, but I will tell you that Jesus is willing to identify with your specific challenges and walk with you in it. He is also ready to be with you without prejudice or concern for your tribe. Jesus wants a relationship with you and for you to see his glory that is more incredible than his skin colour (John 17:24). See the glory of this incarnate Savior, Jesus Christ and treasure him for all that he is.
Receive Jesus
If you would like to have a personal relationship with the Saviour, Jesus Christ, then please click on the “Receive Christ” button below. Feel free to call or text us at 0799-254-254 if you have any questions about the topic above. Lastly, you can email us at [email protected] to continue the discussion. God bless you and get to know the Saviour, Jesus Christ. There is nothing you lose by having him in your life. You cannot live gambling with the issue of your eternity on the grounds of minor issues of the Saviour’s colour.