Many young today are waiting for a great voice from heaven, describing their specific God-designed purpose and calling for their lives. Some have waited for so long and are doing a lot of nothing as they wait. God has pointed others to a particular path and is still spending years and years, confirming whether truly it is God who has spoken. It is a challenge to discern God’s calling at times in our lives. The disciples, for instance, were preoccupied with nets and fish, whereas God desired they be out there fishing men for the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:16). How does God call different people in the scripture, is there a specific way he does it or is he dynamic employing different methods to various people? Our article today is aimed at addressing how different people received their calling in the Bible. The knowledge we gather from the scripture will help us to evaluate our lives and discern the path God has chosen for us (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Direct Calling:

Direct calling is one way we can see in the scripture that God has called his people. In direct calling, God reveals himself to an individual and defines their assignment to them. Moses is one of those people who had a direct calling. The calling of Moses as a deliverer was confirmed when he encountered God in the burning bush. Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-13) and apostle Paul (Acts 9:1-18) similarly experienced a direct calling from God. The voice of God and calling was clear to them. Some of the Christians are still held captive in this manner of receiving the call of God. They could be waiting for God to speak and confirm their calling in such a clear way. God still communicates with this method, where he speaks to his people his will. However, this is not the only method that God uses to call his people.

Discipleship and Impartation:

Some of the examples we have for this include Moses and Joshua (Joshua 1:1), Paul and Timothy (2Timothy 2:1-4), Elijah and Elisha, Jesus and the Disciples. Joshua, Timothy, and the Disciples received calling through discipleship and impartation. Moses mentored Joshua, Elijah was a father to Elisha while Jesus modelled the life of the disciples to resemble his. We have many young people that have been discipled and equipped for ministry by their mentors. To some calling, is confirmed in this process, and they eventually take over for their mentors. There is much emphasis in our generation on mentorship. Most young people have been introduced in service this way. It produces disciplined disciples who honour authority and respect the predecessors. However, the abuse of mentees in the hands of the mentors has been evident. I have interacted with pastors who have disciples for over thirty years still preparing them for ministry. Some of the mentees are well advanced in age and hence will retire along with their pastors. One elder 60years of age in a church once lamented, “Niliishi kuwaambia mimi ni kiongozi wa kesho na hata leo bado mchungaji anasema sisi ndiye atawachia kanisa.”

Taking a firm position for God (Daniel 1:8)

There are individuals that we don’t see their mentors and neither do we interact with their direct calling. They took position on matters and represented God in their environs. Someone like Daniel, Shadrack and Abednego took a firm stand on God and purity hence noticed for their uniqueness. They served in the palace uncompromisingly and honoured the name of the LORD. Through close obedience of God and having a position of righteousness regardless of the pressures of life eventually leads to us finding our place in the kingdom of God. In Daniel’s context, he was able to draw Babylon attention to the worship of Yahweh, which happens to be our goal in salvation.

Faithfulness in what you are doing until God says otherwise

There is a song we used to sing, which I love to date. It goes, “when He calls me, I will answer, I will be somewhere working for my LORD.” God calls people who are busy and not idlers and formless people.  Amos was not a prophet at first but a shepherd at Tekoa (Amos 1:1). I encourage every young person to remain faithful to what they are doing. The peace therein or the lack of it might lead you to your God designed area of calling. In your calling, there is always peace and rest regardless of the challenges in the calling. We have many people that focused on other tasks until God called them into the ministry of shepherding God’s people. Wherever you are in the field of God, represent him and win people for his kingdom.

Conclusion:The above are not the only means that God uses to call his people. The above points serve to open your eyes and sensitive you to God’s calling. We cannot confine God in a box. He does with different people as he wills as indicated above. We encourage you to pray, remain sensitive and busy for the kingdom of God. Don’t just seat there waiting for an audible voice or a bright light with someone speaking to you in it. 


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