God Told Me I’d Marry You!

Jowie Irungu made the headlines in 2018 after he was accused with the cold-blooded murder of a young Kenyan lady. He met his wife Eleanor Musangi during this time.

“I actually don’t know Jowie that much, I met Jowie Irungu through a divine intervention when all this saga was happening, the holy spirit spoke to my heart and told me, ‘I want you to love that man, and I want you to care for him’, I didn’t know him,” Eleanor Musangi disclosed on her interview with the MwakilishiNews (https://www.mwakilishi.com/article/lifestyle-news/2020-08-21/our-relationship-is-not-made-from-this-world-murder-suspect-jowie-wife-says)

Mrs Eleanor Musangi is one prime example among many people, who claim to have been instructed by God the Holy Spirit to take on a specific task. Since we know that when God speaks, he speaks only in accordance with his will, the question that begs at this point would be, what is God’s will? In the most specific sense, if God speaks to me according to his will, then what is his will for speaking to me? 

On the onset, God is still speaking to people today. He is God, and he is in the heavens, and he does all that he pleases (Psalms 115:3). This means that if it pleases the Lord to speak to you by the Holy Spirit, or through any man, he definitely will speak. He is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), so he doesn’t care if you are black, white, tall, short, learned, imbecile, rich or poor. He will speak to you. The rider to this rule of God speaking to you is that whatever God speaks, he speaks according to his own council and glorious will (Hebrews 2:4).

The Nature Of The Word Of God.

We know that we only get to know the direct word of God, from the Bible (2 Peter 1:21). We know that the word of God is the will of God (Psalms 33:11). We know that the word of God is wisdom, so it is his will (Psalms 119:98), and the wisdom of God is the wisdom unto salvation (2 Timothy 3:5). And finally, we know that the will of God that is the word of God is perfect (Psalms 19:7), righteous and the truth (Psalms 33:4, John 17:17), and it endures forever (1 Peter 1:25).

Born from a conversation we had in the office, many of us, just like you have encountered someone saying that the Lord has told me (fill in the blank) concerning you. Such statements, when I was young in the faith, were horrifying. I took them seriously and always wondered why God kept on telling people about me, and I was always there, hoping to listen to him. We have testimonies of men in church asking women out using that same line, “God told me that you would be my wife.” 

God’s Word Is God’s Will.

So far, we know that whatever God speaks must be according to his will, which is his word. If it is not scripture, we don’t need it, if it is scriptural show me how to read that in the scriptures. There is nothing new under the sun. 

Since we all have an inner fear of God when someone tells us that they have communicated with God, it shutters our mind. Most of the time they use this statement to show us that we are not as close to God as they are and in their hearts, they have the desire to manipulate us to do as they want not as God wants. If you challenge them with scripture and reason, they will be fast to be defensive and aggressive with statements like “do not touch the lord’s anointed:” or they speak in tongues on you.

Back to our question, if God speaks to me according to his will, what is his will for speaking to me? In other words, what is the reason for God to say these words to me? The only place that can clearly answer this question is in the Bible. It says that God’s will for you is your sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3; Romans 12:1-2), to know him and follow him (John 10:27), to be grateful in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18), and in everything, it is the will of God for you to glorify him (Isaiah 43:7; Psalms 100:3; Psalms 115:1; 1Corinthians 10:31).

How To Know The Whether The Word Is From God.

When someone tells you that he/she has a word from God or the Holy Spirit, you should ask yourself whether that word is in the scripture. If not, is it agreeing with the general teachings of the word of God, which is the Bible? For you to discern whether that word is indeed from God, you need to grow in the knowledge of God, which only comes from deep and constant reading, studying memorising and meditation of scripture. Then you will be able to approve what is excellent, what is pure and blameless at the day of Christ (Philippians 1:9-10). 

Secondly, you need to ask yourself whether those words are going to encourage your doing of the will of God. If he says that the Lord has told me to break up with you, question him and yourself how are those words going to make you more grateful in all circumstances, sanctify you, how are those words excellent, pure and blameless and how are those words glorifying God. 

Thirdly, there is nothing more important to God than his word and his name (Psalms 138:2 & 8), since when he speaks he has to fulfil his word (Isaiah 55:11), for this very purpose God made an oath by his name since there is no other name greater than his (Hebrews 6:13). God is not in a business of making false or offering shoddy deals; neither is he a liar, so God cannot say then not do it (Numbers 23:19). Anyone who claims to have heard from God is claiming they have the very word of God and as such God’s character is at stake if those words fail to accomplish what they promise. 

Fourthly, in case you still think that you aren’t satisfied, then find at least three mature believers who are well-grounded in God’s word and men or women whom you trust. Do not despise the wisdom of those that have gone before you. Those who are ahead of us have some level of wisdom we don’t (Job:12:12). Whenever you seek counsel, you prove to be wise and seeking victory other than a defeat (Proverbs 24:6). At the same time, keep in mind that their counsel must and should be according to the written word of God, since no one is above the word of God and they are not always right (Job 32:9) for only the Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6).


Dear reader, I beseech you in view of God’s mercy, cherish God’s word of life (Proverbs. 4:8), hide God’s word in your heart (Psalms 119:11) and Guard your heart (Proverbs. 4:23). Only the word of God will protect your heart and help you filter any claims given to you. Since it is in His word that God has provided all we need for life (marriage, business, etc.) and godliness (2 Peter. 1:3). Fellow readers notice that in this entire article, we have relentlessly admonished you to make the Bible your standard of truth. We hope and pray that as the psalmist puts it, the word of God to be the lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path (Psalms 119:105).


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