Who’s Your Pilot?

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. – John 14:1

Much is said about how we should trust God throughout the different circumstances in our life. Worry is a natural reaction to our flesh. At times we even worry about non existent issues. There’s a famous quote, “ we spend most of our lives worrying about problems that never even happened.” What I find ironic at times is how we are quick to trust in the most unstable of things. When you hop on a plane, it rarely crosses your mind that you might not reach your destination. Bringing it even closer home, road transport is the most dangerous form of transport going by casualties. To make it even worse there are countless unroadworthy Matatus plying routes around Kenya. To take the degree of danger to an even higher height is the fact that on this unroadworthy death traps most of us do not fasten our safety belts, and to top it all, it is an error prone human in charge of this machine.

Yet we are more than confident that we will reach our destination unscathed. However, when it comes to trusting God, the King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, creator of heaven and earth, Perfect in all of His ways we still find ways to doubt and worry. Trusting God is not an automatic thing, it is not a switch that you can just turn on. Just like with a fellow human, the better you know someone, the more likely you are to trust them, and the higher degree of trust you will have in them. So how do we know God more? By taking time to read His word, to memorize His word, to pray as often as possible in the Spirit with all kinds of requests.

It takes time and effort, even when we do not feel like it. But there is no one who will ever fulfill you like Jesus. There is a Jesus shaped hole in everyone’s heart that only He can fill. If you are struggling with doubt and worry today, take time to read especially God’s promises to you, His word is true and will never return void and you can test it to see His Faithfulness.



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