Lets Study Together- Who Do People Say I Am? – Part 1

We at Kuza want to help you grow closer to the Lord through your personal time in scripture. We hope to lead you as you study the scriptures that is why we’re creating these blogs called “Lets Study Together.” After you’re done studying we would love to hear what you’ve learned. Please communicate to us through one of our social media handles or via our email address below.



Let us think through together about this person who changed the history of mankind. Some of the things that standout for me about him was the nature of his birth. Jesus was faithful to his mission on earth. He had much concern for the sinners and the needy. He was selfless as shown by him becoming poor to make us rich and he became a curse to make us blessed. He was a humble man such that knowing that He was God, He left his glory in heaven above, took our human nature and even submitted to the shameful death by the cross. Over two thousand years, we are still speaking of him and the blood he shed has never lost its power. Let us learn together about Jesus Christ.

  • Who is the word according to John 1:1?

  • How was the birth of Jesus unique from our own birth According to Luke 1:31-35?

  • What was the purpose of Jesus coming to earth in Luke 1:31-33/Matthew 1:21?

  • State the three areas that Jesus grew as per Luke 2:52

  • What does John 4:6-7 and John 11:35 reveal about Jesus human nature?

  • In Hebrew 4:14-15 and Hebrew 5:7-9, state how Jesus was like other people and also different from other human beings?

  • Why did Jesus select the twelve disciples as per Mark 3:14

  • What has caught your attention in the above readings and how will that impact your faith?

Please send us your responses to these questions above. We would love to hear what you’ve learned and how this has impacted you…



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