Money! Money! Money!

You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound. -Psalm 4:7

It is said money makes the world go round to mean that money is the most important or one of the essential things in life. Many people have been socialized to believe that a lot of events could not happen without money and that money solves a lot of problems if not all of them. In essence, this means that if you do not have money you are doomed and condemned in this world thus you find people going to great lengths to make that extra buck. Money is so sweet that even non-believers know the popular verse in the Bible that speaks about money as being the answer for everything (read Ecclesiastes 10:19). Money has become people’s perception of worth such that people place their faith in money. This means, for things to work out okay, one must be loaded with cash. Cash is king you know. For one to experience happiness and peace, money is the answer. For a relationship to succeed, people run to money for answers, some people even say no romance without finance. However, I have experienced a number of relationships that have broken down due to money. In Kenya today, there is an assumption that if you have money you will navigate through things and access services easily by buying your way out. Just recently as I was registering for huduma numba which every Kenyan citizen was required to do, two guys came to register and when they saw the long queue, they called the registration officers aside and bribed them so that they could jump the queue. That is just a snippet of what money does and why people worship it. On the other hand, those without money are left to languish in their poverty and endure long queues among other things like I had to do.

In your encounter with money, or in your pursuit of money you have to exercise extreme caution lest you fall to the trap of money. 1 Timothy 6:10 tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil. The love of money will draw you to many sins. Many people who have coveted money have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. A great example is Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. After realizing what he did was wrong he was seized with remorse and he returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests then went away and hanged himself. The love of money turns people away from God and sets their hearts upon the things of this world. Because of money, people turn to prostitution, people steal from each other, people will kill each other, and people betray each other and do all sorts of malicious and evil things to get money. Some even join cults where they are promised to be rich. Oh what a blinder money is. The Bible tells us whoever loves money never has enough and whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. Riches are meaningless. You should however note that you may have money and yet not love it.

Money may answer the occasions of this present life but it answers nothing to the soul. It will not procure the pardon of sin, the favour of God, peace to the soul nor will it grant you eternal life. True joy and happiness does not come from an abundance in wealth but it is God himself who fills you with joy (Psalm 4:7 above). True satisfaction is found in Jesus Christ. Do not wear yourself out in running after money but practice godliness with contentment. Even when you see others swimming in money and leading lavish lifestyles, be free from the love of money and be content with what you have. Ask the LORD to fill your heart with joy when their grain and new wine abound.



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