Honesty Rewards

And my honesty will testify for me in the future, whenever you check on the wages you have paid me. Any goat in my possession that is not speckled or spotted, or any lamb that is not dark-colored, will be considered stolen. Genesis 30:33

You read that verse right. Jacob was fully convinced that his honesty would come in handy in the future. He knew that his honesty would testify for him. Honesty is not cheating or defrauding. As a believer, that is one thing that God requires of you because God himself is truth. Honesty is usually a reflection of one’s character. Your character or actions, on the other hand, display your faith which in turns helps a believer in being a good witness of Christ. Honesty also improves the level of your trustworthiness. In Luke 16:10, we are told that whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with very much. If you prove your honesty in the little that God has entrusted you with, then be ready for great blessings. Though honesty might cause you to be humiliated and dishonored in some quarters, strive to always remain truthful to God and to yourself because there is a sure reward.

In May last year in our news headlines, there was a matatu conductor by the name Mwaura who picked a passenger’s wallet in his matatu which had thirty thousand Kenya shillings in it. He had just dropped off commuters when he spotted the wallet with cash in it. Mwaura kept the wallet in safe custody as the owner was being sought after. The owner of the wallet eventually showed up and Mwaura handed back the wallet with everything intact. The owner of the wallet said the money in it was for his sick child and he was really grateful to Mwaura. Mwaura, later on, said that he was inspired by the belief to do good and that even if he took the money, it would not solve his problems. Mwaura’s honesty was indeed lauded and he got good rewards for it. Well-wishers came out in huge support. Someone offered to pay for him all his college fees since he had dropped out due to lack of fees besides receiving loads of cash. His wife also benefited getting free health care from a top city hospital. If Mwaura decided to keep that cash, all those goodies would not have come his way. His life changed for the better just cause of a simple act of honesty. That act of honesty will always testify for Mwaura in future.

Honesty can be painful but just like Jacob, you have to be convinced that your honesty will testify for you in the future. Honesty will bring life and prosperity to you. Even if not in this present age, your honesty will testify for you before the LORD on judgment day thus you will be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.


Dear God, help me to be honest to you, to myself and to everyone else. In all areas of my life be with me as I practice honesty. Amen.



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