I am Broke! – Part 2

When I was born, 20 years ago, I was born into a relatively well-off family. At the time of my birth, my older brother was 6 years old. My dad had just got a lucrative job at a large multinational corporation. Fast forward to when I was 4 years old, and we moved to a renowned upmarket neighborhood in Nairobi. For the next 7 years of my life that was all that I knew, I thought everyone lived the life I did, and everyone enjoyed the privileges I had become accustomed to, a loving and prosperous home. However, as I approached my 13th birthday, life served up a bombshell. Suddenly, out of the apparent blue, my family was in financial turmoil. First came the seizure of the cars, assets and finally the home. I just was not ready for such a dramatic change in my life, nor is anyone ever prepared for a tragedy in their lives. By way of the Lord, we found ourselves in a different neighborhood, far from the tarmacked roads, road signs, and gated communities. I was deeply dismayed not to mention embarrassed. How could I honestly continue with life? How could I explain to my peers at the time that such a stressful event had taken place without them making fun of me? So far had this affected me that previously being a high ranking student at school I was now looking over my shoulder at the basement of the class.

By God’s grace and mercy, I was able to gather myself and pass my national exams. Given that I did not have a personal relationship with Christ at the time, I could not make sense of this apparent nightmare, and out of sheer frustration, I continued living a lie refusing to accept what had happened. This epitomized my life in high school. I consistently and painfully reminisced on what once was, saying a lot about where money was in my heart. It was on a high pedestal. Upon completion of my secondary studies, I joined a program called bridge, and this is where I indeed gave my life to Christ. It was only now that I began to realize and to see just how faithful and good God had actually been to me. Despite our financial troubles, not once had I failed to go to school because my fees had not been paid. Not once had I slept hungrily. Not once had I gone to school in old or embarrassing attire in poor condition. Sure I had lost a lot of comforts, but I had everything I needed at all times. This, my dear friends, is the abundant life. The fact that I had everything I needed was not because financially we were better off, but because on more than one occasion The Lord made away, giving us favor with fellow man, and consistently providing. For my parents, it was about keeping their focus on the cross, and the work of Jesus and everything that stands for. Today, as I look back on my life, I may not understand fully why some events took place, but my life is a testimony, that He is faithful and the least I can do is abound in every good work, to the honor and glory of His name.

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8



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