In a day and age where there is a lot of relativism and opinionated minds rule the world of thoughts and ideas, one is left to wonder whether or not there is anything like definite truth! Yes, TRUTH! To some this is a souvenir that has long been thrown away- TRUTH! But I seek to lend you mine if only it will bring you back into the right tunes!
The Lord says that when he appears we shall see him as he is- in full and we will be like him! And James reminds us to look intently at the law that brings freedom! So I wish to raise and put forth what I am convinced is the key to engaging into more God glorifying, satisfying discussions, songs, articles and whatsoever you do!
We are in a time where people are more concerned with their opinions and ideologies on basically any subject and more often than not we find that during such tangents in our lives, we are messed up, confused, caught up or tied up into something we never thought we could ever be or worse still, we find ourselves on the opposite side of Faith in Christ. But if we only had a glimpse of Him…then would we Worship!
Whether it is right or wrong to be fraudulent in my business deals because it’s just business, to cheat on my wife or husband, to love or submit to them, to listen to secular music, have weird Mp3 songs in your smart phone or iPOD or dress in a certain way, or what kind of relationship is good or when to start it off, or kissing, caressing, fondling, flirting….the list goes on! All of these trivial questions excite and leave many a young- and old people in endless discussions that the Bible would but call endless genealogies and old wives’ tales! Amidst all of this, if we just had a glimpse of Him…we would worship!
An example this would be like a child who has the ability to take a holiday to Hawaii in the USA, but they just think about it only as they play in muddy pools of water! Many of us are like this- thinking that it is a lot more fun and exciting to wallow in mere things because we have never had the chance to see what the real deal would be like. When we find ourselves are lost in endless questions of does the Bible really mean..when it says? or is it right or wrong to? can’t a believer be….? All such questions arise from a non-committed heart which doesn’t want to spend time knowing the real deal!
Friends, when we see the risen Christ for all His worth and for once chewed upon the Holy Scriptures for all its worth, then we would find some issues in life easier to deal, some questions petty to think of, some circumstances shallow to win our attention, if only had a glimpse of Him..then we would worship! When I am most satisfied in Him, he is most glorified in me (quote by Pastor John Piper, Desiring God ministries). If today you took time and just got an up close, clear look at Jesus Christ in His Word, all these issues will melt away like the dew on the grass!
Just a glimpse of Christ…you will worship like never before! “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” Hebrews 12:1- 2a.