You Must Cleave

“Leaving & Cleaving” are interesting terms we find in the Bible which have the idea of leaving something you’re used to and holding onto someone you love and uniting with them. The words to leave and cleave are used most commonly in sermons on marriage. However, there are other places in the Bible which have this concept of leaving and cleaving (John 15:4). For example leaving the world and cleaving to Jesus. You cannot leave the dark kingdom and then remain on neutral ground. The only way to conquer the dark kingdom and its influences in our lives is by cleaving to Jesus.

There are many are many things that can tempt us to not cleave to Jesus in our lives. The ideas of them are in Romans 8:35-39. Tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword…(Rom. 8:35)” for sure can shake our faith if we are not firmly established in Christ. Many Christians have stopped cleaving to Jesus due to these things.

We must consider the example of Job that he did not stop cleaving to the Lord no matter how difficult his life became. As a result of him doing that he received double everything that he lost during his trials. We must cleave no matter what! Even in the most trying of times it is worth it to cleave to Jesus. He will give you glimmers of hope during those times. Imagine if the disciples gave up their faith at the face of death? What if the martyrs also gave up? The church grew through the blood soaked soil of the disciples and martyrs of the church. Good things come from those who clear in the hardest times.

History shall judge us harshly if we who have enjoyed the sacrifice of many Christians in the past don’t pass the same to the next generation. I am in Christ from conviction and truth, not convenience. Therefore, let us all say, “whether in riches and poverty, in health and illness, in the face of death or life, I will still serve him. I will still reach out for the lost. I will persevere in persecution to prove to my children that salvation is worth the sacrifice of my life.”

To be productive even after death like the martyrs, just cleave to Christ. No matter what you going through, it is worth sacrificing for the kingdom of God. Do not sacrifice your salvation on the altar of temporary pleasure. Choose to suffer along with God’s people rather than enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin that lead to hell. I am exhorting you to hold on! Cleave! Don’t be moved! Decide to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back. The cross before us and the world behind us. We cannot give up now when our salvation is far more closer than when we first believed. Hold on and I say it again, hold on!

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” – John 15:4



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